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Develop the necessary commitment as a basis for achieving success.

Dreaming has a logic behind it, which does not mean imagining, as if it were something far from happening. On the contrary, it means developing the necessary commitment as a basis for achieving success, regardless of what it may mean, but which generally relates to achievements at work or personal improvements, such as a healthier life.



Preserve integrity in the objective to enjoy

Loving is the way to make this dream come true, however, for this to happen, it is necessary to preserve the integrity of the objective to enjoy self-motivation, which is one of the keys to opening this entire universe of possibilities, making this dream come true, as if by magic, although it is the result of a method.



Achieve the result through the correct application of the methodology.

Realizing is the way in which that dream, preserved with all the necessary love, becomes reality day by day, through activities capable of making it fully achievable until, as a result of these well-directed efforts, it is then possible to achieve the result through the correct application of the methodology developed by Édel Pontes.

Achieving personal or professional goals requires self-knowledge, which can be improved with scientific certainty through the methodology I developed as a doctoral thesis in the USA.


Through the methodology developed by Dr. Édel Pontes, namely, Dreaming (commitment), Loving (integrity) and Achieving (result), anyone will be able to build not only an effective plan to achieve personal and/or professional goals, but a true routine of habits supported by epigenetics, a science that has offered answers to models of human behavior in complex modern society.

Therefore, whether you are an athlete, student, entrepreneur in general, you will find in this method, carried out through performance improvement sessions, all the support you need for what you want.

“The guy who unlocked all the codes in my mind. The guy who makes me grateful every day, even when something bad happens. After all, everything has a reason and a purpose, right, doctor? If everyone had an Édel Pontes in their life, the world would be a better place, you can be sure. My feelings for my mentor are not just admiration, love, affection and friendship: they are gratitude.” — Anderson Dias, 196 Dreams, World Record Holder. TEDx Speaker.

“I have always sought to evolve, to have a better personal and professional life – and for decades I have had incredible people from different backgrounds helping me on this journey. Despite this, Édel managed to impress me with the way he effectively understands who I am, what motivates me and what is the best thing to do in good and bad times, extracting the best from each situation.” — Willian Custódio, Carenagem, CEO.

“Working with Édel was a great pleasure. He helped us connect with our essence and sustain and guide our journey with elegance. An excellent process to empower people and put them into action. I highly recommend his work and the methodology he developed. I am grateful for the teachings he shares.” — Adriana Machado, General Electric Brazil, former President and CEO. Founder of the Briyah Institute.


Dr. Édel Pontes has been working in the corporate world for 30 years, but his first venture took place in his early teens, when, enchanted by the brilliance of Walt Disney, he dedicated himself to establishing himself as an American citizen and living the essence of this legacy up close, which gave him business opportunities with several startups in the US and China, and in 2008 he was awarded by IBM for the excellence of his health project for people with disabilities in India.

Dr. Édel Pontes, whose main objective is to provide care to these people, understands that self-knowledge is a way to make these people more mentally, emotionally and spiritually whole.







Through Le Mind Club — LMC, Dr. Édel Pontes trains members to study and practice their method for certification at the end of the program, which means not only completing the course, but also achieving personal and/or professional goals throughout this process of self-knowledge and entrepreneurship. Lectures and workshops are also available to provide know-how aimed at improving performance, whether in the government or business environment.

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Le Mind Club — LMC is the most immediate way to guarantee direct access to Dr. Édel Pontes and watch classes in real time (with the possibility of replaying them, as they are always recorded). Its members have constant supervision throughout the study and practice process, in addition to detailed performance through specific tools designed to provide a true experience focused on commitment, integrity and results.

Online classes directly
with Édel Pontes

Use of tools for better performance

Weekly frequency
of meetings

Recordings available for review or replacement

Explore below the main ways to connect with Dr. Édel Pontes and obtain the benefits brought by the method he developed or contact his team directly through the highlighted button.

Daily, weekly, monthly and annual performance checks

Networking with all
active members

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Divided into two modalities, lecture and workshop, adaptable and recognized by participants in the USA, Brazil and Europe, Dr. Édel Pontes, who has accumulated vast experience in the area over 30 years, establishes communication with heterogeneous audiences, causing insights necessary for spectators to reflect on their own attitudes in a process of self-knowledge for practical use in everyday life.



This shorter training modality is aimed at a much wider audience and is packed with powerful and exciting arguments to encourage a dynamic and proactive mindset:

Recommended for really smaller teams, this longer training modality includes more intense leadership activities for participants in a process with immediate results:

Development of entrepreneurs;
Women's empowerment;
Entrepreneurship in public management...

Training for public management;
Building efficient teams;
Understanding the value of networking...

Dr. Édel Pontes sets the workshop and lecture according to the binomial "leadership" (given by self-confidence) and "result" (consequence of commitment), making necessary adjustments to communication to adapt and allow total clarity to the public, especially with the aim of assuming the true dimension of commitment to results, which will certainly arise through the motivation passed on to the participants.

Sell ​​more with
mental triggers

Mental conditioning
for results

Reach your
best performance

Leadership development for your team with security and alignment to achieve surprising results. Dr. Édel Pontes, through a practical, dynamic and always innovative method, makes changes in mental conditioning, both for personal and professional purposes, including techniques that he uses with clients in different parts of the world. This theme will present two models of mental conditioning to create awareness for adopting behaviors focused on results.

A sales process originates from interpersonal relationships associated with the moment in which the customer engages with the identity of the product or service. Based on this theme, which has as a prerequisite "Mental Conditioning for Results", successful sales teams can be motivated with skills for results. Thus, Dr. Édel Pontes, by breaking mental patterns, teaches how to use triggers from the brain's own structure to generate the desire to consume.

Based on his own studies in neuroscience and experience acquired in the corporate world, especially in the USA, Dr. Édel Pontes presents a method developed for managers to reach their own potential with the help of neuroproductivity. Through this theme, the participant will access a step-by-step guide on how the human brain works to achieve the best performance, especially through the alignment of reason and emotion aimed at obtaining concrete and true results.

Issuance of
certificates to

Release of
gifts to registrants
during the event


© Édel Pontes 2025

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